********************************************************************** SOPAC Automatic Analysis Solution Report Job number: 46208 ********************************************************************** The multi-station analysis of 06982770.04o using DAEJ SUWN SHAO, resulted in the following mean coordinates for 0698, valid on reference epoch 2004.7555 (2004 277): Site Latitude (d) Longitude (d) Height (m) Stdev. (m) Stdev. (m) Stdev. (m) 0698 32.63427493 128.61936081 39.5050 WGS84 0.0043 0.0059 0.0130 X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Stdev. (m) Stdev. (m) Stdev. (m) 0698 -3355701.7828 4200702.9676 3419893.7398 ITRF2000 0.0130 0.0032 0.0065 The average baseline length is 562 kilometers. Orbit used: IGS Final. Note: coordinates are valid at the geodetic reference point (GRP). The distance between the GRP and the antenna reference point is the site antenna height. A map featuring all sites is available at the following link. Click on "Select All" under "Legend" to view the sites. http://sopac.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/somi3i?cx=128.61936081&cy=32.63427493&scale=16860000&smiPoint=0698|Scout%20Sites|0698|0698|/|0|128.61936081%2032.63427493|&smiPoint=daej|Scout%20Sites|daej|daej|/|0|127.37447914%2036.39942862|&smiPoint=suwn|Scout%20Sites|suwn|suwn|/|0|127.05424077%2037.27551455|&smiPoint=shao|Scout%20Sites|shao|shao|/|0|121.20044411%2031.09964246| Questions or remarks with respect to this solution may be posted to the SCOUT user forums at: http://sopac.ucsd.edu/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=13. Please refer to job number 46208 when posting. A SCOUT FAQ is also available at http://sopac.ucsd.edu/processing/coordinates/scoutFAQ.html. **********************************************************************