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GpsTools (GT): Support Information

update 2015/01/06 Home

Bug and Known Problem List

No.11 Unable analysis with processing unit time shorter than 24 H (ver.0.6.4)

When you set the processing unit time shorter than 24H, the analysis for units except for the first unit in a day are impossible. For example, processing unit time is set to 3H and time span is set to 24H, 0:00-3:00 is OK, but the results for 3:00-6:00, 6:00-9:00, 9:00-12:00, ... are not obtained.
Due to the bug in readobs.m. Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p8.zip. (2010/3/23)

No.10 Error stop on pushing OK in Obs Data Editor Settings Dialog (ver.0.6.4)

When pushing OK in "Obs Data Editor Settings" Dialog of "Obs Data Editor/Parameter Estimator", the dialog does not closed by the error stop of "?? Illegal right hand side in assignment. Too many elements.". This error occures only on Matlab R2009a or R2009b.
It seems due to some bugs of Matlab R2009a and R2009b. Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p7.zip to avoid the bug. (2010/1/29)

No.9 Error stop on pushing OK of Obs Data Editor Settings dialog (ver.0.6.4)

When pushing OK and exit Observation Data Editor Settings dialog, the program stops by an error. The error message in MATLAB Command Window is like "??? Illegal right hand side in assignment. Too many elements".
Due to the bug in ggpsest.m. Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p6.zip. (2009/12/8) Apply the patch according to No.10. (2010/1/29)

No.8 IGS Final ZPD file can not be read and be plotted (ver.0.6.4)

After GPS week 1400, the naming convention of IGS Final ZPD files was changed (sssswwww.zpd ->ssssddd0.yyzpd). GT0.6.4 supports just only the old convention.
Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p5.zip and select "IGS Final (New)" in "Read Data" dialog of plottrop. (2009/11/25)

No.7 MEX functions of GT can not recognized or executed (ver.0.6.4)

MEX functions of GT can not recoginzed or executed. An error message shows like "Attempt to execute SCRIPT caltomjd as a function".
GT0.6.4 does not support MATLAB v.7.2 (R2006a) or previous versions because of MEX file compatibility problem. For these versions of MATLAB, use GT0.6.3 and patchs for GT0.6.3. Note that GT0.6.3 is no longer supported. New patchs will not be provided. (2009/11/24)

No.6 Bugs on geogravity correction and GSPM04b SRP model (ver.0.6.4)

The satellite orbit model has the following bugs. The bugs might degrade the performance of satellite POD (precise orbit determination). There is no effect to precise positioning.
(1) Tidal correction by solid earth pole tide for geogravity (geograv_e.c).
(2) The computation of the term fx in GSPM04b SRP model (satorbit_e.c)
Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p4.zip. The patch includes only mex binaries. (2009/11/17)

No.5 Undefined function error on Menu "Estimate" or "Tools"->"Download" (ver.0.6.4)

When executing menu "Esitmate" or menu "Tools" -> "Download" from the main menu in some environments, the error "Undefined function or variable of ggpsest_" or "Undefined function or variable of gpsdown_" occures and Parameter Estimator or Product/Data Downloader is not executed.
In some environments, the command search paths are not properly set to call the function of ggpsest_ or gpsdown_. For these environmets, apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p3.zip. (2009/10/13)

No.4 Ftp/http exec error on Product/Data Downloader if Local Directory contains space (ver.0.6.4)

If Local Directory contains a space character in the path, "Ftp/http exec error" occures in case of downloading data with Data/Products Downloader.
Due to the bug of private/ftpget.m. Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p2.zip. (2009/8/22)

No.3 Unable to plot "Position Displacement" or "Position East"... in "Receiver Position" window (ver.0.6.4)

Recevier displacements can not be plotted with the menu "Plot - Position Displacement", "Plot - Position East", "Plot - Position North" or "Plot - Up" of "Receiver Position" window.
Due to the bug of plotpos.m. Apply the patch gt_0.6.4_p1.zip. (2009/6/9)

No.2 Input in Edit Box is not recognized unless Return-key Pushed (ver.0.6.4)

On MATLAB v.7.4, v.7.5 (R2007a, R2007b) 64bit with -nojvm option, input in edit boxes is not recognized unless return-key pushed. That might be due to the MATLAB bug. (2009/4/30)

No.1 Data File Incompatibility to Older Version GT (ver.0.6.4)

Output files can not be read by the older version GT on MATLAB v.6 or lower version because of MATLAB mat-file compatibility issue. (2009/4/30)

How to apply a patch

(1) Extract the patch package gt_<ver>_p<no>.zip to appropriate directory.
(2) Copy the contents of (1) to the install directory (gt_<ver>) and overwrite it (them).
(3) Exit the main menu and re-execute the main menu.

Bug and Known Problem List for the previous version (ver.0.6.3) (in Japanese)

Copyright (C) 2006-2009, T.Takasu, All Rights Reserved.