RTKLIB: Support Information for ver. 2.3.0 Return

Bug and Known Problem List

No.40 Invalid input of deg-min-sec format solutions in west longitude or south latitude (RTKPLOT ver.2.3.0)

IF the solution is in deg-min-sec ("ddd mmm sss") format and the position is in the west longitude or the south latitude, the sign of minutes (mmm) and seconds (sss) in the solutoins is not properly recognized.
Due to the bug in the input routine for deg-min-sec format solutions. Please output solutions in degree ("ddd.mmmm") format instead.
Fixed in ver.2.4.0.

No.39 Needs full update rate of NMEA output (RTKNAVI, RTKRCV ver.2.3.0)

The update rate of NMEA output from RTKNAVI or RTKRCV ver.2.3.0 is limited to only 1 Hz even if the raw rover input is faster than 1 Hz in order to avoid the problem with an application which does not support high rate NMEA input.
To support full update rate for NMEA GPRMC, GPGGA, please apply the patch rtklib_2.3.0_p5.zip. For NMEA GPGSV, the update rate is still limited to 1 Hz. In the next release, the configuration options will be able to change the output rate for NMEA. (2010/05/04)
NMEA interval options are supported in ver.2.4.0.

No.38 GUI APs can not be built by C++ Builder 2010 (RTKNAVI, RTKPOST etc ver.2.3.0)

GUI APs in RTKLIB can not be built by C++ Builder 2010 with type incompatibility errors.
In C++ Builder 2009, the standard type of strings for GUI components was changed from AnsiString to UnicodeString. So str.c_str() with str of UnicodeString returns type wchar_t * instead of char *. The code can not be compiled due to the pointer type incompatibility errors. (2010/04/26)
Ver.2.4.0 still have not supported C++ Builder 2009 or later. Under consideration for future version.

No.37 Program hangs up when typing command after rtk server startup (RTKRCV ver.2.3.0)

When typing commands like sol, sat, str etc. after starting the rtk server, the program hangs up and has no response.
Under investigation. (2010/04/02)
The problem does not appear in ver.2.4.0. The issue is temporary closed. (2010/08/08)

No.36 Out-of-bound array access with disabled satellite data (RTKPOST, RNX2RTKP, RTKPLOT ver.2.3.0)

If RINEX OBS file contains data of disabled satellite system (for example, the compile option does not define -DENAGLO and the RINEX OBS contains GLONASS data), out-of-bound array access would raise the memory exception.
Due to the bug in src/rinex.c. If you have the problem, please apply the patch rtklib_2.3.0_p4.zip and rebuild the AP. You do not need rebuild the binary APs because all of the APs are built with -DENAGLO option. (2010/03/04 revised)
Fixed in ver.2.4.0.

No.35 Some default options are not consistent with help or manual (RNX2RTKP ver.2.3.0)

The following default options of RNX2RTKP are not consistent with the help or the manual ([] according to help or manual).
- elevation mask angle (-m) =15 deg [10 deg]
- reference receiver pos (-r or -l) =always need to be specified with -r or -l option [average of single pos]
Due to the bug of app/rnx2rtkp/rnx2rtkp.c or manual. The issue will be fixed in the next version. (2010/02/04)
Fixed in ver.2.4.0.

No.34 A RINEX GPS NAV file is always needed for post-processing (RTKPOST, RNX2RTKP ver.2.3.0)

At least one RINEX GPS NAV file is always needed for post-processing even if the options only use GLONASS or use precise ephemerides. If no RINEX GPS NAV file is specified, the post-processing always is terminated as no navigation data error.
Due to the bug in src/postpos.c. (2010/01/28)
Fixed for GLONASS only positioning in ver.2.4.0. With precise ephemerides, broadcast ephemerdes are still needed to get rough clock parameters, ionosphere parameters and TGD.

No.33 EMS files can not be used for SBAS corrections (SBSPOS, SBSDUMP ver.2.3.0)

EMS (EGNOS Message Server) files can not be used for SBAS positioning or dump with SBSPOS or SBSDUMP.
Ver.2.3.0 does not support the EMS format. To use EMS files, apply the patch rtklib_2.3.0_p3.zip. A .ems file can be used instead of a .sbs file. The patch includes the executable binary programs for Windows as well as the source programs. (2010/01/22)
Fixed in ver.2.4.0.

No.32 NMEA GPGGA quality indicator is not compliant with NMEA 0183 v.2.3 (RTKNAVI, RTKPOST ver.2.3.0)

The quality indicator in the NMEA GPGGA message is not compliant with NMEA 0183 v.2.3 as follows.
RTKLIB: 0=invalid 1=single, 2=DGPS, 4=RTK float, 5=RTK fix
NMEA: 0=invalid, 1=GPS fix (SPS), 2=DGPS fix, 3=PPS fix, 4=RTK, 5=Float RTK, 6=estimated, 7=manual 8=simulation
Fixed in ver.2.4.0. Ver.2.4.0 comply with NMEA 0183 v.2.3.

No.31 Termination error of NTRIP Source Table Browser (ver.2.3.0)

Under the locale using ',' instead of '.' for a decimal point, an error dialog like "String??? Double ???????" shows and NTRIP Source Table Browser can not terminate properly.
Due to the bug in app/srctblbrows/browsmain.cpp. Apply the patch rtklib_2.3.0_p2.zip. The patch includes the executable binary program for Windows as well as the source program. (2010/01/16)
Fixed in ver.2.4.0.

No.30 CONVBIN in the package does not work (CONVBIN ver.2.3.0)

The executable binary command CONVBIN for Windows included in the package does not work due to some exceptions.
Due to the bugs in convrnx.c and build environment. The following problems are also found in CONVBIN. To fix these problems, apply the patch rtklib_2.3.0_p1.zip. The patch includes the executable binary program for Windows as well as source programs, makefile or build project files. (2009/12/18)
(1) GLONASS data in the log file can not be converted to RINEX OBS and RINEX GNAV.
(2) Improper convertion for RTCM2 and RTCM3 log file.
Fixed in ver.2.4.0. (2010/07/31)
