Overview | Specifications | Program Execution | Parameter Estimator | Plot Data | Utilities | Data Files | Libraries

GPS Precise Analysis Software GpsTools: Specifications

System Requirements | Obs Data Editor | Parameter Estimator | Utilities | Libraries | Supported Data Formats

System Requirements

Item Specification
Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista 32bit or 64bit
Software environment MATLAB v.7.3 (R2006b) or higher version, 32bit or 64bit
Support software  
- Data compression/extraction gzip
- Compressed RINEX crx2rnx, rnx2crx
- Ocean loading prediction GOTIC2 (Generate ocean loading coefficients)
Required Memory >512MByte

Obs Data Editor

Item Specification
Input observation data RINEX 2.10 (including high-rate RINEX)
Pseudorange code P1+P2 or C1+P2+P1-C1 bias correction
P1-C1 bias Standard parameters for IGS analysis
Detection of cycle-slips Variation rate of geometry-free LC (variation of ionospheric delay)
Melbourne-Wubbena Wide-Lane LC: Moving Average、Moving Standard Deviation

Variation rate of Iono-free code and carrier-phase LC
Variation rate of MP1, MP2 LC
Repair of cycle-slips Estimation of slip amount by difference of Melbourne-Wubbena LC averages
Estimation of slip amount by n-degree polynomial fitting of geometry-free LC
Rejection of outliers Detect outlier by standard deviation test of Melbourne-Wubbena LC
Preprocessing of clock-jump Code-phase incoherency correction by carrier phase or code/time-tag adjustment
Smoothing of code L1, L2 carrier-smoothing of code observations
Extraction of data Data extraction at each sampling interval and separate arcs
Output format MATLAB binary (mat-file)

Parameter Estimator

Item Specification
Estimation scheme Extended Kalman filter and smoother (EKF/S)
Estimation pass 1-pass, 2-pass (forward-backward) or 3-pass (forward-backward-forward)
Estimated parameters Receiver position (ECEF)
Tropospheric zenith total delay (ZTD) and horizontal gradients (north/east/quadratic)
Satellite and receiver clock (clock bias and drift relative reference clock)
Satellite orbit (satellite mass-center position and velocity)
Solar radiation pressure (SRP) model parameters
Earth rotation parameters (ERP : Xp, Yp, UT1-UTC)
Geocenter Offset (dx, dy, dz, scale)
Measurement models  
- Basic observable Ionospheric-free LC of carrier-phases
- Diffencing of observable Zero-difference/PPP
- Geometric range model Satellite motion by earth 0-degree gravity and light-time iteration
- Satellite clock-bias Estimated or fixed to input states
- Receiver clock-bias Estimated or fixed to input states
- Satellite antenna phase center offset/variations Block II/IIA : X=0.279, Y=0, Z=1.023 m, Block IIR : X=Y=Z=0m or
input satellite antenna model (ANTEX)
- Receiver antenna phase center offset/variations Input receiver antenna model (IGS_01.PCV, NGS or ANTEX)
- Tropospheric delay A priori model: Saastamoinen or no correction
Mapping function: COSZ, NMF (Niell mapping function), GMF (global mapping function) or VMF1 (Vienna mapping function 1)
Total delay model:
(Mdry/Mwet: hydrostatic/wet mapping function, Tropdry: A priori hydrostatic model, Gnorth/Geast: Horizontal gradient N/E, AZ/EL: azimuth/elevation angle), estimation of quadratic coefficients
- Ionospheric delay  1st-order term: eliminated by ionospheric-free LC
higher order terms: none
- Site-Displacement Solid earth tide: IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.7
- Step1 : in-phase degree2 and 3, out-of-phase, latitude dependence
- Step2 : contribution from the diurnal band : K1 only
Ocean loading: IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.7
- 11 constituents (M2,S2,N2,K2,K1,O1,P1,Q1,Mf,Mm,Ssa)
- input loading amplitude/phase coefficients (BLQ format)
Pole tide: IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.7
Permanent deformation: can be eliminated
Atmospheric loading: none
- Relativistic effects Satellite clock variation and Shapiro time delay
- Phase windup effect Wu (1996) model
- Multipath Correction with carrier-phase multipath profile
Correction with modified sidereal-filter
- Measurement errors Standard deviation at zenith: user defined
Elevation dependency: sqrt(1+f(1/sin(EL)^2-1))
- Carrier-phase ambiguity Guess estimation: Ionospheric-free LC carrier-phase - pseudorange
Estimation model: Float ionospheric-free LC carrier-phase ambiguity residual
Integer ambiguity resolution: none
Satellite motion model  
- Geopotential JGM-3, up to 12-degree/order
- Solar/Planetary Potentials Moon and sun (point of mass)
- Planetary ephemeris JPL DE/LE405
- Eclipse model Cylindric or Penumbra/umbra (earth and moon)
- Solar radiation pressure (SRP) model Simple model (Cannonball model)+scale
ROCK4/42 (T20,T30)+Scale, Ybias
GSPM.04b+scale, Ybias, along-track, cross-track acceleration
CODE RPR+D0, Y0, B0, Z0, X10, X30
- Earth Tides Solid Earth Tide:
IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.6, frequency independent項2,3次、frequency dependent項K1 only
Ocean loading: IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.6 8 constituents, up to 3rd order (CSR2.0)
Pole tide: IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.6 delta-C21, delta-S21
- Relativistic effects IERS Conventions 1996 Ch.11
- Earth albedo None
- Air drag None
- delta-V Input user-defined acceleration and duration
- Numerical integration Fixed step 4th-order Runge-Kutta or variable step/order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton
State transition model  
- Satellite/Receiver clock Fixed, white-noise or 1st-order Gauss-Marcov
- Tropospheric parameters Fixed, random-walk or 1st-order Gauss-Marcov
- Earth rotation parameters Fixed or random-walk
- Geocenter offsets Zero-fixed or random-walk
- Receiver position Fixed, random-walk (static), or white-noise (kinematic)
- Carrier-phase ambiguity Fixed in an arc, re-initialized at cycle-slip, estimated as float value
Reference frame
- ECI ICRF (J2000.0)
- Precession/Nutation IAU1976 precession, IAU1980 nutation+dpsi/deps or IERS1996 nutation
- ERP variation Subdaily-variation correction (Ray model)
- Earth rotation parameters Fixed to IERS Bulletin A, B, C04 or IGS ERP or estimated
- Geocenter offsets Zero-fixed of estimated
A priori/Fixed states  
- Satellite position/velocity Broadcast ephemeris or precise ephemeris (SP3)+interpolation
- Satellite clock Broadcast SV clock parameters or precise clock (SP3, RINEX CLK)+interpolation
- Receiver clock Estimated by point positioning or precise clock (RINEX CLK)
- Meteorological parameters Standard atmosphere, GPT (Global pressure and temperature) or JMA NWM
- Receiver position ITRF97, ITRF2000/2005, IGS00, IGb00, IGS05, IGS SINEX, GSI F1/F2 or user-defined
- Earth rotation parameters IGS ERP, IERS Bulletin B, IERS EOP C04


Item Specification
File manager List and filtered view, file manipulation (copy, move, rename, delete, uncompact, compact), Text file viewer, Matlab binary file viewer, image viewer
Plot results  
- Plot observation data Plot raw/edited observation data, plot data availability, plot linear combination of observation data, plot cycle-slips, show RINEX text, execute TEQC
- Plot satellite orbit Plot satellite position error (3D,Radial/Along-Track/Cross-Track,XYZ), plot position error by satellites/dates, plot SRP parameters, plot ERP, Plot Geocenter offset, output text, output summary.
- Plot satellite/receiver clock Plot satellite/receiver clock bias, plot satellite/receiver clock error, plot satellite/receiver clock stability, output text file, output summary.
- Plot tropospheric parameters Plot ZTD, plot ZTD error, plot map, output text file, output summary.
- Plot GPV data Plot JMA NWM (MSM、RSM, GSM), read geoid model, plot map, plot contour, plot contour filled, plot mesh, plot surface, plot vector, plot streamline
- Plot ionospheric parameters Plot IONEX file, plot VTEC map, plot contour.
- Plot LEO satellite orbit Plot GRACE/CHAMP orbit file, Plot orbit errors (3D, Radial/Along-Track/Cross-Track, XYZ)
- Plot residuals Plot residuals, plot residuals E/N/U components, plot residuals AZ/El, plot residuals Heading/Nadir, plot residuals in skyplot, plot residuals in 3D skyplot, output statistics, output antenna phase center parameter.
- Plot multipath profile Plot multipath profile in skyplot, plot multipath profile in AZ/EL graph
- Plot satellite track and receiver positions Plot satellite ground track, plot receiver positions in map, plot satellite coverages, plot baseline and baseline length, plot Voronoi region, plot satellite view in skyplot, plot satellite AZ/EL graph, plot satellite eclipse period, plot satellite-sun angle, plot DOP.
Data/product downlorder Download data/products by FTP/HTTP, extend keywords in download address, uncompress files, download via proxy server.
Generate products Generate satellite ephemeris (SP3), generate satellite/receiver clock (RINEX CLK), generate receiver position (SINEX)
Generate ocean loading coefficients Front-end of GOTIC2 (ocean tide prediction), output BLQ format coefficients.
Estimate multipath profile Estimate multipath profile by stacking of post-fit residuals.


Item Specification
Common libraries MATLAB interface, user callable routines
Supported model Refer observation data editor and parameter estimator specs.
Supported data format Internal binary (clean observation data, estimation results, estimation residuals, processing parameters), text/CSV format, RINEX OBS/NAV, SP3/SP3c, RINEX CLK, SINEX TROP, SINEX, GSI F1/F2, IONEX, IERS Bulletin B, IERS C04, IGS ERP, BLQ, IGS_01.PCV, ANTEX etc
Binary codes C-MEX library with MATLAB MEX-interface

Supported Data Formats

Item Specification
Observation data RINEX 2.10 OBS (Daily, 3H, 1H, High-Rate:15min)
Navigation messages RINEX 2.10 NAV
Satellite precise ephemeris NGS SP3SP3-c
Satellite/Receiver clock RINEX CLK
Tropospheric parameters SINEX TROP
Station positions SINEXGSI F1/F2
Ionospheric parameters IONEX
Earth rotation parameters IERS Bulletin BIGS ERP
Ocean loading coefficients BLQ
Antenna phase center IGS_01.PCV, NGS PCV, ANTEX

Copyright (C) 2004-2008, T.Takasu, All Rights Reserved.