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GPS Precise Analysis Software GpsTools: Parameter Estimator (2)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Estimated/Fixed Parameters Setting

Item Operation
Satellite Set the satellite for the setting.
If setting it ALL, the settings are applied to all of the satellites except for specified one.
Orbit Set whether the satellite orbit is estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to broadcast ephemeris
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
- IGS Final : fixed to IGS Final precise ephemeris
- IGS Rapid : fixed to IGS Rapid precise ephemeris
- IGS URapid : fixed to IGS Ultra Rapid (observed half) precise ephemeris

- IGS URapid(Pred) : fixed to IGS Ultra Rapid (predicted half) precise ephemeris
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution
- CODE, EMR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, MIT : fixed to IGS Analysis Center solution
- CODE Rapid : fixed to the CODE Rapid ephemeris
Clock Set whether the satellite clock is estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to broadcast SV clock.
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters.
- IGS Final : fixed to IGS Final precise clock
- IGS Rapid : fixed to IGS Rapid precise clock
- IGS URapid : fixed to IGS Ultra Rapid (observed half) precise clock
- IGS URapid(Pred) : fixed to IGS Ultra Rapid (predicted half) precise clock
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution
- CODE, EMR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, MIT : fixed to IGS Analysis Center solution
- IGS/CODE : fixed to interpolated IGS Final with CODE 30s clock
- CODE Rapid : fixed to CODE Rapid precise clock
- IGR/CODER : fixed to interpolated IGS Rapid with CODE Rapid 30s clock
- IGS 30s : fixed to IGS 30s precise clock
- CODE 5s : fixed to CODE 5s precise clock
- IGS/CODE 5s : fixed to interpolated IGS Final with CODE 5s clock
SRP Params Set whether the SRP (solar radiation pressure) parameters is estimated or not.
- (blank) : use default value
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
If not estimate satellite orbit, ignore the setting.
Receiver Set the receiver (station).
If setting it ALL, the settings are applied to all of the receivers except for specified receivers.
Position Set whether the receiver position is estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to the solution of single point positioning
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
- IGS Final : fixed to IGS Final coordinates (SINEX)
- ITRF2000 : fixed to ITRF2000 coordinates
- ITRF97 : fixed to ITRF97 coordinates
- GSI POS : fixed to GSI solutions (F1/F2)
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution
- IGS00 : fixed to IGS00 coordinates
- IGb00 : fixed to IGb00 coordinates
- IGS05 : fixed to IGS05 coordinates
- ITRF2005 : fixed to ITRF2005 coordinates
- Parameter File : fixed to the parameter file of receiver positions. The parameter file is specified by Data Directories/Files Setting dialog.
Clock Set whether the receiver clock is estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to clock bias estimated by point positioning.
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
- IGS Final : fixed to IGS Final clock
- IGS Rapid : fixed to IGS Rapid clock
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution

- CODE, EMR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, MIT : fixed to the IGS Analysis Center solution
Tropos. ZTD/Grad Set whether the tropospheric parameters are estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to a priori tropospheric model
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
- IGS ZPD : fixed to IGS Final ZPD (daily solution)
- IGS ZPD Monthly : IGS Final ZPD (monthly solution)
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution

- JMA MSM Online : fixed to JMA NWM (MSM)
Phase Bias Set whether the carrier-phase bias is estimated or fixed.
-(blank) : estimated as unknown parameters
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution
ERP Set whether the Earth Rotation Parameters are estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to 0
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
- IGS Final : fixed to IGS Final ERP
- IGS Rapid : fixed to IGS Rapid ERP
- IERS BulB : fixed to IERS Bulletin B

- IERS C04 : fixed to IERS C04
- Est(Forward) : fixed to the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : fixed to the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : fixed to the estimation results of smoothed solution

- CODE, EMR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, MIT : fixed to IGS Analysis Center solution
Geocent Set whether the Geocenter offsets are estimated or fixed.
- (blank) : fixed to 0
- <estimated> : estimated as unknown parameters
Initial ERP In case of estimating ERP, set initial value of ERP.
- (blank) : use 0
- IGS Final : use IGS Final ERP
- IGS Rapid : use IGS Rapid ERP
- IERS BulB : use IERS Bulletin B

- IERS C04 : use IERS C04
- Est(Forward) : use the estimation results of forward direction
- Est(Backward) : use the estimation results of backward direction
- Est(Smoothed) : use the estimation results of smoothed solution
- CODE, EMR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, MIT : use IGS Analysis Center solution
Input Unit Time In case of fixing parameters to the estimation results, set the processing unit time (hr) of the estimation results.
Day of Position In case of fixing receiver position, set the date of receiver position. If setting it blank, use the estimation start time.
Interp Clock In case of fixing satellite/receiver clock, set whether interpolation is enabled or disabled.
OK Enable changes and close dialog.
Cancel Abandon changes and close dialog.

Copyright (C) 2004-2008, T.Takasu, All Rights Reserved.