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GPS Precise Analysis Software GpsTools: Parameter Estimator (5)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Measurement Noise Settings

Item Operation
Measurement Noise Set the measurement noise (m) of ionosphere-free LC carrier phase at zenith for each receiver.
If setting the receiver ALL, the all parameters are set to the same valueexcept for individual settings for receivers. .
OK Enable changes and close dialog.
Cancel Abandon changes and close dialog.

A Priori Standard Deviation Settings

Item Operation
Satellite Set the satellite.
If setting it ALL, the all parameters are set to the same value except for individual settings for satellites
Pos Set the initial state standard deviation of satellite position (m).
Vel Set the initial state standard deviation of satellite velocity (m/s)
Srp1,2,3,4-6 Set the initial state standard deviation of the solar radiation pressure model parameters 1,2,3,4-6. The units depend upon the solar radiation pressure model.
Clk Set the initial state standard deviation of the satellite clock bias (m).
If using White Noise process as the clock model, the standard deviation of the satellite clock bias is set as the value at every epoch.
dClk Set the initial state standard deviation of the satellite clock drift (m/s).
Ignored unless the satellite clock model is Gauss-Marcov process.
Receiver Set the receiver.
If setting it ALL, the all parameters are set to the same value except for individual settings for receivers
Clk Set the initial state standard deviation of the receiver clock bias (m).
If using White Noise process as the clock model, the standard deviation of the receiver clock bias is set as the value at every epoch.
dClk Set the initial state standard deviation of the receiver clock drift (m/s).
Ignored unless the receiver clock model is Gauss-Marcov process.
ZTD Set the initial state standard deviation of the zenith total tropospheric delay (m).
dZTD Set the initial state standard deviation of the zenith total tropospheric delay drift (m/h).
Ignored unless the tropospheric delay model is Gauss-Marcov process.
Grad Set the initial state standard deviation of the tropospheric gradient parameters (1st order and 2nd order terms) (m)
PosU,PosE,PosN Set the initial state standard deviation of the Up, East and North components of the receiver position (m).
PBias Set the initial state standard deviation of the carrier-phase bias (m).
Xp,Yp Set the initial state standard deviation of the Earth Rotation Parameters Xp, Yp (rad).
Lod Set the initial state standard deviation of the Earth Rotation Parameters UT1-UTC (s).
Gco Set the initial state standard deviation of the Geocenter offset X/Y/Z (m) and Scale (ppb).
OK Enable changes and close dialog.
Cancel Abandon changes and close dialog.

Process Noise Setting

Item Operation
Satellite Set the satellite.
If setting it ALL, the all parameters are set to the same value except for individual settings for satellites
Pos Set the process noise standard deviation of satellite position (m).(unit =1/sqrt(s), the same as follows)
Vel Set the process noise standard deviation of satellite velocity (m/s)
Srp1,2,3,4-6 Set the process noise standard deviation of the solar radiation pressure model parameters 1,2,3,4-6. The units depend upon the solar radiation pressure model.
Clk Set the process noise standard deviation of the satellite clock bias (m).
Ignored unless the satellite clock model is White Noise process.
dClk Set the initial state standard deviation of the satellite clock drift (m/s).
Ignored unless the satellite clock model is Gauss-Marcov process.
Receiver Set the receiver.
If setting it ALL, the all parameters are set to the same value except for individual settings for receivers
Clk Set the process noise standard deviation of the receiver clock bias (m).
Ignored unless the receiver clock model is White Noise process.
dClk Set the process noise standard deviation of the receiver clock drift (m/s).
Ignored unless the receiver clock model is Gauss-Marcov process.
ZTD Set the process noise standard deviation of the zenith total tropospheric delay (m).
dZTD Set the process noise standard deviation of the zenith total tropospheric delay drift (m/h).
Ignored unless the tropospheric delay model is Gauss-Marcov process.
Grad Set the process noise standard deviation of the tropospheric gradient parameters (1st order and 2nd order terms) (m)
PosU,PosE,PosN Set the process noise standard deviation of the Up, East and North components of the receiver position (m).
PBias Set the process noise standard deviation of the carrier-phase bias (m).
Xp,Yp Set the process noise standard deviation of the Earth Rotation Parameters Xp, Yp (rad).
Lod Set the process noise standard deviation of the Earth Rotation Parameters UT1-UTC (s).
Gco Set the process noise standard deviation of the Geocenter offset X/Y/Z (m) and Scale (ppb).
OK Enable changes and close dialog.
Cancel Abandon changes and close dialog.

Copyright (C) 2004-2008, T.Takasu, All Rights Reserved.